Standard banner

Comparatively small advertising materials, which are displayed at the top/ bottom of the screen in the interface of a mobile application or site. The most popular format- 320w*50h


  • Cost-effectiveness;
  • Easy to create;
  • Broad targeting options;
  • Supported by practically all platforms;
  • Does not annoy the user;
  • Minimal non-targeted clicks;
  • Does not distort the design-concept of the application/ site.


  • Low CTR;
  • Low involvement;
  • Often remains completely unnoticed;
  • Only allows for a small amount of information.

This format is effective when the task is to get the maximum amount of targeted clicks of users. It is often ineffective for branding campaigns/ coverage.

Fullscreen banner

Fullscreen mobile banner, which is displayed over the content of the site/ app. The banner remains on the screen until the user clicks the “Close” button or until the time specified in the creative template is reached. After clicking on the banner, the user navigates to the landing page or the app store.


  • Undoubtedly attracts the attention of the user;
  • Provides the possibility to display a lot of information on the banner;
  • High CTR.


  • More expensive than standard mobile banners;
  • Annoys the non-targeted audience;
  • High bounce rate due to accidental clicks.

Due to the fact that banners of this format occupy the entire screen of the mobile device and grab the full attention of the user, Fullscreen works effectively in enhancing brand awareness. It is recommended for coverage advertising campaigns. This mobile advert format works well for the promotion of any product.

Intersitial banner

Interstitial is a Fullscreen banner that is displayed when navigating between screens or pages. Interstitials are built into the application script. The banner cannot be closed until the action is over (For example, loading the next level of the game).


  • Attracts the attention of the user at the right moment (pause between levels);
  • Possibility of placing a lot of information on the banner;
  • Possibility of promoting similar games / services among the target audience.


  • Annoys non-targeted group of users;
  • High percentage of accidental clicks.


Banner in the form of a web page that consists of a set of HTML, CSS, JS files and jpg / png image files. Animation is performed using CSS and JS scripts.


  • Ability to include practically any type of interactive elements in the banner;
  • High engagement;
  • Ability to calculate the target action (watching a video/ clicking a button etc.);
  • Ability to complete a target action directly without leaving the banner (for example, buy a movie ticket or send an inquiry);


  • Difficult to create;
  • High placement price;
  • In most cases, CPM-only buying model;
  • Restricted number of platforms for placement;

This format is effective for advertising campaigns of major brands that have large marketing budgets. It is often used for introducing new products lines/ services to the market. Suitable for FMCG, Beauty segment, Entertainment and Games segments.


Pre/ Mid/ Post-roll on video portals.
The video format in mobile applications is most often used during natural pauses (for example, between levels in a mobile game). The recommended length of the video is 10-30 seconds. Call-to-action and the key message of the video should be disclosed within the first 5 seconds.

  • High user engagement;
  • Popularity of video content;
  • Ability to present a lot of information in one video;
  • Easy to explain call-to-action to the user;
  • High cost;
  • Purchase usually based on CPM/CPV;
  • Annoys non-target audience;
  • Preparation of a separate video is needed (use of the TV version of the video is not recommended).

Effective in any business, i.e. all that have the ability to afford video production. The video does not necessarily have to be expensive or high-quality. This format allows you to obtain additional coverage of the target audience, which is often hard to catch if using static banners.


Mobile advertising banner with several content frames with navigation buttons and a progress bar.
Allows you to place several products, product characteristics or sections of the mobile application into one creative.

  • Interactive format that doesn’t require almost any resources to create;
  • Ability to present a maximum amount of information in a single ad;
  • Ability to evaluate the most effective banners in a single Carousel;
  • High conversion from interaction into website/application visit.
  • Only accessible on social networks- Facebook, myTarget;
  • More expensive than a regular and graphics banner.

Due to the fact that several items can be displayed within the limits of one advertising message, this creative advertising format works best for E-commerce.

Native ads

An advertisement format that is organically built in into the interface of an application or site. As a rule, it is not perceived by the user as a direct advert, which increases loyalty. It works effectively in social networks, as well as in music, news and information applications. An advanced user now identifies native content as advertising. However, using vivid images, catchy headers and native texts still draws maximum attention of the user.

  • Does not bother the user;
  • Does not violate the design concept of the mobile site/ application;
  • Allows you to place a lot of information on the ad (on social networks);
  • High cost-effectiveness.
  • Format is inaccessible on some platforms;
  • Requires time and competence to design the content;
  • Possibility of negative perception due to “hidden” advertising;

Effective for all types of business. The share of the format is increasing due to social networks.

Text Ads

In most cases, this format used in search engine marketing systems — Google Adwords, Bing! Ads and Yandex.Direct. Adverts are displayed on the mobile search result pages and on the advertising network (GDN/RSYA).

  • Simple development of creatives (text only);
  • Ease and high-speed of launch;
  • High effectiveness when working with mobile search;
  • Easy update of creatives;
  • Segmentation of the target audience based on keywords.
  • Low efficiency/ invisibility when not placed on the search;
  • Limited coverage;
  • Number of symbols in the ad is limited.

It is effective for every type of business, except for niche products. In this case, text banners will also be effective, but the number of displays and clicks, thereafter, will be too low.